by Diversi-T | Aug 28, 2015 | Articles
Thinking about the Parliamentary debate on racism held this week and reflecting on the various suggestions for tackling racism put forward, it occurs to me that as South Africans we are misunderstanding the problem. We are concerning ourselves only with racism as an...
by Diversi-T | Aug 15, 2015 | Articles
Teresa Oakley-Smith in Fairlady Read...
by Diversi-T | Jul 28, 2015 | Articles
Listen to Teresa Oakley-Smith speaking on 702 regarding the recent Penny Sparrow racism incident...
by Diversi-T | Jul 15, 2015 | Articles
Listen to Teresa Oakley-Smith speaking to Thabiso Kotane from Capricorn FM...
by Diversi-T | Jun 28, 2015 | Articles
Many companies in South Africa are becoming aware of the need to manage their employee diversity more effectively. This might be in order to better achieve employment equity targets or to improve organisational culture, or to improve levels of attraction and retention...