E-learning platform for Diversity/Inclusion in the Workplace

Made Consortium is Diversi-T’s official sales partner for “Diversity in the Workplace”

The Problem

Diversity/Inclusion are conceived as particularly interactive concepts typically taught in group settings in a participative style with a facilitator.
This time of coronavirus makes such facilitation impossible to execute.

The Solution

It is possible to continue to deliver Diversity/Inclusion learning through the E-learning platform developed by Diversi-T. The information shared in typical group sessions can be followed by the individual in her own time on her laptop or smart phone.


The E-learning platform developed by Diversi-T utilises technology to bridge the gap between facilitator and learner and it has many advantages.

  • Built in South Africa for the South African environment.
  • It is participative and interactive
  • Learners can earn at their own pace
  • It can be undertaken in the real time of learners
  • Suits adult learners
  • It is ideally suited to Gen X and Y
  • It is self-directed
  • It removes the competitive atmosphere of

    classroom based learning

  • Can be undertaken anywhere once downloaded
  • It utilises multi-media approaches
  • It builds in assessment and review
compliance sa

The “Diversity in the Workplace” e-learning programme is accredited by the Compliance Institute

Compliance Practitioners and Compliance Professionals will be awarded 3 CPD Hours for completing this online programme.

CPD Registration Number: DiE20200500074

Fee: R500 incl. VAT

For more information please contact: 

Understanding Diversity

Race, Gender,
Generation, Religion,
Nationality, Ableism


Diversity and cultures
Challenges in creating unity
Organisational culture
Diversity and organisational culture

You and

Do’s and Don’ts
Developing sensitivity and consideration
My rights re diversity
Employment equity

Benefits of
an Inclusive workplace

The bottom line
Creating inclusion
How to manage diversity
Advantages of an inclusive workplace


Here are some examples of our e-learning platform.

Get your team learning

Want to get your team learning about diversity in the workplace?

Contact us directly or fill out your information and let us contact you.


084 552 1183